Boys and Toys

What is happiness? And how do we get there? 

Happiness often blooms through detachment and surrender, liberating us from the grip of expectations and desires. When we let go of our attachment to specific outcomes and surrender to the flow of life, we find contentment in the present moment. This release from the need for things to be a certain way opens the door to experiencing true joy and peace.

Playground Chronicles:

I recently witnessed a scenario where two young boys played together, each with their toy. However, the older boy suddenly wanted both toys and cried persistently until he got both toys. In contrast, the younger boy willingly gave up his toy and found another one to enjoy.

Both boys participated in the same experience, each with differing perceptions. One felt upset because he didn't have everything he wanted, while the other stayed content and happy. More specifically, one boy tied his happiness to happiness to get what he wanted, while the second boy found happiness in just enjoying whatever came his way.

In life, we often link our happiness to owning things. But in reality, the only thing we truly own is our experiences. When we let go of rigid expectations, life can surprise us in remarkable ways, guiding us toward the fulfilling experiences we desire. It's all about how we perceive things!

True happiness isn't found in possessions like toys, jobs, houses, or cars (which can represent any non-essential items). While these things have their uses, they don't guarantee lasting happiness. Real happiness stems from enjoying the present moment and appreciating life as it unfolds.

So, what's the secret to happiness? It's not a destination; it's a state of being you can choose. It might sound simple, but it's true. Keep reading for straightforward steps to help you lead a happier life.

Your Turn:

Holding tightly to our expectations can be a major source of stress, as it consistently leads to disappointment when reality doesn't match our anticipated outcomes. This obsession with rigid expectations often prevents us from appreciating the beauty of unexpected moments and opportunities, ultimately hindering our ability to find happiness. We can pave the way for increased contentment and a more fulfilling life by embracing flexibility and openness.

Follow these steps, and you will become happy in no time! 

Step 1: Become present

Step 2: Choose to be happy

Step 3a: Follow the experience

Step 3b: Detach from the outcome

Expect resistance to show up on your happiness journey; it's almost inevitable. Resistance and true happiness can't coexist. Don't allow doubt to become a roadblock. When you embrace happiness, the universe will unveil the way ahead. Stay open, listen to your heart, and trust that you'll be guided on this path.

So, I ask: Do you want to be happy? - Your options are simple: yes, no, or maybe. And yes gives the best results! Choose wisely! 

Amor y Canela,
