Saints and Sinners

I don’t believe that “sinners” go to hell in the afterlife. I believe they are already in it- living and breathing a version of hell. How do they heal? How do we heal?

The Wound of the World:

They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I believe that it's true to a certain extent. People strive in their ways, for the better or the worse. It might be a challenging notion to accept. Still, this idea is the same for a humanitarian dedicating themselves to educating children in third-world countries and to a person engaging in criminal activities.

The difference becomes evident in their motivations: the first seeks to benefit the community by providing opportunities for those in need, while the other prioritizes personal gain even if it harms others, often resulting in negative consequences for society.

Why would a person cause so much harm and chaos in the world? In reality, fulfilled individuals typically don't harm others; those who have been hurt themselves often end up hurting others. I believe that individuals who harm others are trapped in an unconscious pattern. They experienced disempowerment during their youth, often when they were vulnerable, and to regain a sense of control, they may harm others, unintentionally perpetuating this cycle.

However, taking power from others is like eating empty calories. It doesn't satisfy in the long run, and there's always a risk of losing that power you took.

We humans are naturally drawn to connections and a sense of belonging. But carrying around painful secrets can make us feel disconnected from the rest of humanity. When someone hurts us, it's a real blow to our self-esteem. We might end up in a downward spiral of self-doubt, thinking, "Why couldn't I stop this? Was I really that weak? I must be worthless!" Sometimes, people in this situation might seek out someone they see as vulnerable, thinking they can take out their pain on them.

Shame can slow down a victim's healing and keep the cycle of pain going. But not all victims continue this cycle; many go on to improve the world. The real problem arises when those who hurt others realize what they've done. They used to be out of touch with reality, but now they get it. Regardless, they still need to be responsible for their actions.

But here's the tough part: How do we help them heal? We should remember that victims and those who hurt others are BOTH victims. When we consider prisons, their intended purpose is to support positive change, but do they succeed? Unfortunately, they often fall short, missing the elements of self-reflection, accountability, human connection, therapy, and forgiveness crucial for rehabilitation. This can perpetuate the darkness rather than ushering in a path to personal growth and transformation.

Your Turn:

I don’t know how to fix the entire system and won’t pretend I know all the answers. My goal for this post is to offer some wisdom and fill in the gaps of things that might not make sense. And the good news is that there is some light here. I'm offering the solution: you can "fix" or heal yourself!

True power comes from serving the world and empowering ourselves and those around us. Keep reading for some intriguing ideas on moving forward.

Healing the Wound:

Affirmation: As I raise my vibration, I raise the world's vibration! 

I’ve been guilty of coming home after a disempowering day at work and snapping at my family. They’ve done it to me as well. At one point or another, we've probably all used our pain as a weapon against strangers and our loved ones.

However, we can break this cycle by beginning to understand our own emotions:

  • What am I feeling?

  • Why am I feeling this way?

  • What can I do to elevate my emotional vibration?

  • What do I need to heal? 

  • Who can I reach out to for support?

We need to take charge of our emotional state and own it. Yes, emotions are uncomfortable. But they are messengers that alert us to something that needs attention. Our emotions aren’t bad; what we do with them creates the great problems of our world.

Take care of emotions as they emerge. This way, we don’t have to wait for a big blow-up to reassemble our lives. Ignore a "fix engine" light long enough, and a car will likely have serious problems.

Hate and love spread like wildfire, affecting how we grow or fall into negativity. My hope? We all get together and pick love on purpose. Treating others with kindness and respect can slowly turn the world into a happier, more positive place.

Love Warrior Mini-Challenge: Victims are wounded, and love warriors have transcended the wound! So, I invite you to transcend with me! What's one loving thing you can do right now?

Amor y Canela,
